Configuring the DeviceNet Network
DN Network Status
Ei-DN Modbus Address: 34207
The DN Network status indicates the ODVA specific status of the DeviceNet network as follows:
DN Receive Counter
Ei-DN Modbus Address: 34203-34204
The DN Receive Counter keeps a running total of all DeviceNet packets successfully received
from the Ei-DN on the DeviceNet network.
DN Status Major Recoverable Fault
Ei-DN Modbus Address: 14003
A Major Recoverable Fault disables the bridge and then re-enables the bridge when the fault
has cleared. At the present, no Major Recoverable Faults are defined in the Ei-DN.
DN Status Major Unrecoverable Fault
Ei-DN Modbus Address: 14004
A Major Unrecoverable Fault is implemented on the Ei-DN
when one of the following faults
occur: Power Stage Module, Invalid Configuration, Power Up Self Test, NVM Invalid,
Motor Overtemp, Drive Overtemp, Duplicate MacID, and Bus-Off. Major Unrecoverable
Faults disable the bridge and require a cycle of power to reset.
Range Units Default Type DN Type Group NVM Res. Access
0-31 ENM Word No RO
Value Network Status
1No Power
2 Not Connected
3 Connected
4 Time-out
5 Link Failure
Range Units Default Type DN Type Group NVM Res. Access
-1 Counts US32 UDINT No RO
Range Units Default Type DN Type Group NVM Res. Access
True/False BIT BOOL No RO
Range Units Default Type DN Type Group NVM Res. Access
True/False BIT BOOL No RO