X-Line Very Compact
Rigging Manual
Figure 5d:
XLVC-BGK Bottom Grid Kit Contents
Figure 5e:
AGCD Adapter Grid Dimensions and Weights
The AGCD, shown in Figure 5e, is an adapter grid that allows XLD281 very-compact line-array
loudspeaker systems to be rigged below XLC compact line-array loudspeaker systems. A typical
example would be to use the AGCD construct a line array with two XLC215 (or XLC118)
subwoofer systems at the top of a column with several XLD281 systems suspended below.
At the front of the AGCD are two sets of rigging tubes - one pair of rigging tubes mate with the
XLVC front hinge bars and the other pair mate with the XLC front hinge bars. At the rear of the
AGCD are two sets of rigging channels - one pair of rigging channels mate with the XLVC rear
swing arms and the other pair mate with the XLC rear swing arms. The AGCD includes a pair of
front XLC hinge bars and a pair of XLC rear swing arms that can be installed into the top of the
adapter grid, allowing the AGCD to be suspended below an XLC215 (or XLC118) system. An
XLD281 system can then be hung directly from the bottom of the AGCD.
The AGCD may also be used to place XLD281 loudspeaker systems on top of XLC215 (or
XLC118) loudspeaker systems above an XGS-3 groundstack. In this case, the adapter grid is
secured to the top of the XLC subwoofer and an XLD281 system may be attached to the top of
the AGCD using the XLVC-BGK bottom grid kit.
Front Hinge Bars (Left and Right Sides)
Rear Swing Arms (Qty = 2)
Quick-Release Pins
(Front/Green Qty = 4)
(Rear/Clear Qty = 4)
Lanyard Tab Mounting
Screws (Qty = 2)
Front Rigging Shoulder
Bolts (Qty = 2)