
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952/884-4051, Fax: 952/884-0043
© Bosch Communications Systems 07/2010
Part Number LIT000463599 Rev A
U.S.A. and Canada only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
800/392-3497 Fax: 800/955-6831
Europe, Africa, and Middle East only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
+ 49 9421-706 0 Fax: + 49 9421-706 265
Other Internatonal locations. For customer orders, Contact Customer Service at:
+ 1 952 884-4051 Fax: + 1 952 887-9212
For warranty repair or service information, contact the Service Repair department at:
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at: 866/78AUDIO
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Dimension Drawings:
Front ViewEnd View
This EVF loudspeaker should be suspended overhead only
in accordance with the procedures and limitations
specified in the EVF/EVH User Manual and possible
manual update notices. This system should be suspended
with certified rigging hardware by an authorized rigging
professional and in compliance with local, state, and
federal overhead suspension ordinances.
ACC000084-000 CDNL4, cover plate, dual NL4•
ACC000085-000 CSG, cover plate, single gland nut•
ACC000086-000 CDG, cover plate, dual gland nut•
ACC000087-000 TK-150, 70V transformer, 150W•
ACC000089-001 HRK-1B, horiz. rigging kit, EVF, black•
ACC000089-002 HRK-1W, horiz. rigging kit, EVF, white•
ACC000090-001 HRK-2B, horiz. rigging kit, EVF-SUB, black•
ACC000090-002 HRK-2W, horiz. rigging kit, EVF-SUB, white•
ACC000091-001 HRK-3B, horiz. rigging kit, EVH, black•
ACC000091-002 HRK-3W, horiz. rigging kit, EVH, white•
ACC000092-001 VRK-1B, vert. rigging kit, EVF, black•
ACC000092-002 VRK-1W, vert. rigging kit, EVF, white•
ACC000093-001 VRK-2B, vert. rigging kit, EVF-SUB, black•
ACC000093-002 VRK-2W, vert. rigging kit, EVF-SUB, white•
ACC000094-001 VRK-3B, vert. rigging kit, EVH, black•
ACC000094-002 VRK-3W, vert. rigging kit, EVH, white•
ACC000100-001 EVF-UB-BLK, u-bracket kit, EVF, black•
ACC000100-002 EVF-UB-WHT, u-bracket kit, EVF, white•
EVF-1122D/99 Part Numbers
PRD000292-001 EVF-1122D/99-BLK, 90° x 90°, black finish•
PRD000292-002 EVF-1122D/99-WHT, 90° x 90°, white finish•
PRD000292-003 EVF-1122D/99-PIB, 90° x 90°, black finish, •
weather resistant
PRD000292-004 EVF-1122D/99-PIW, 90° x 90°, white finish, •
weather resistant
PRD000292-005 EVF-1122D/99-FGB, 90° x 90°, black finish, •
weather resistant fiberglass
PRD000292-006 EVF-1122D/99-FGW, 90° x 90°, white finish, •
weather resistant fiberglass
Rear ViewSide View
Performance Match
PRD000288 EVF-1122D/64, 60° x 40° coverage•
PRD000289 EVF-1122D/66, 60° x 60° coverage•
PRD000290 EVF-1122D/94, 90° x 40° coverage•
PRD000291 EVF-1122D/96, 90° x 60° coverage•
PRD000293 EVF-1122D/126, 120° x 60° coverage•
PRD000294 EVF-1152D/43, 40° x 30° coverage•
PRD000295 EVF-1152D/64, 60° x 40° coverage•
PRD000296 EVF-1152D/66, 60° x 60° coverage•
PRD000297 EVF-1152D/94, 90° x 40° coverage•
PRD000298 EVF-1152D/96, 90° x 60° coverage•
PRD000299 EVF-1152D/99, 90° x 90° coverage•
PRD000300 EVF-2121S, dual 12” bass element•
PRD000302 EVF-2151D, dual 15” bass element•
CPS2.9 120V CPS2.9, 120V power amplifier, 2 x 900W•
CPS2.12 120V CPS2.12, 120V power amplifier, 2 x 1200W•
D170469 CPS4.5, 120V power amplifier, 4 x 500W •
D170466 CPS4.10, 120V power amplifier, 4 x 1000W•