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Most WanteD
The Fairhaven Police Department has a list of many of Fairhaven’s streetracers, some of which
are only known by aliases. The top 10 elite of this select group are the FPD’s Most Wanted. To
earn the opportunity to meet and beat these racers, you will have to earn enough Speed Points
through competing in events and exploring the city.
Defeat one of the Most Wanted racers and you will have the chance to take them down and
claim their car as your own. Why take them down? Because the cars these racers drive won’t
be found on the streets until you have gone wheel-to-wheel and won them.
Freedrive is open world freedom. It’s your chance to trigger a pursuit with the FPD, hit those
Billboards, or simply explore the city of Fairhaven.
If you feel like getting physical, then you can take other racers and cops down. Taking down
racers scores Speed Points and slows them down. Taking down cops is one way to get away,
but wrecking police units will increase your HEAT level too.
If the police trap you, then you must escape before the Busted bar fills completely. When you
are Busted, you will be returned to the location of the Jack Spot you most recently used, and
lose any Speed Points which you earned in the Pursuit.
Evading the police is all about breaking visual contact with pursuing units. Drive fast,
handbrake around corners, jump through Billboards, hit drops, and look for shortcuts to
get away.
The circle on your mini-map highlights where the police are searching for you. Get out of this
zone and you will evade the police and enter Cooldown.
Once you have evaded the police and broken visual contact, you enter Cooldown. This is the
period of time in which the police are searching for any fugitive that has escaped a pursuit.
If any police unit spots you during this time, the pursuit will restart. Avoid being noticed until
the end of the Cooldown period and you will escape.
Evade the police and you have a chance to escape. Burn that Nitro or find somewhere to park
and hide. Whatever your chosen tactic, you will need to stay unnoticed until the pursuit is
called off and you have made your getaway.
CoMpleTe ConTrols ............................................................. 1
general inForMaTion ......................................................... 2
gaMe Modes ............................................................................. 3
auTolog .................................................................................... 3
easYdrive ................................................................................. 4
kineCT ......................................................................................... 5
Map ............................................................................................... 6
Fpd ............................................................................................... 7
ColleCTiBles ........................................................................... 9
ModiFiCaTions ........................................................................ 10
MulTiplaYer ............................................................................. 11