Select the Manage Team panel to manage your starting Lineup, Active cards, Reserve
cards, and Packs. The panel indicates your team name, the home uniforms your team is
using, and any unopened packs that you have.
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On the Lineup screen, you can change your starters and select different coaches,
uniforms, a stadium, or playbooks. When you select a position, you are shown the
current players in your line up that are eligible to play the selected position. You can flip
over cards to compare player stats. You can also access a more detailed view of your
current team by going to the Depth Chart view.
The Active Card screen contains the 100 cards assigned to your currently active team.
This 100 is divided into up to 55 player cards and up to 45 other cards like Coaches,
Uniforms, Stadiums and Playbooks. Only your active cards can be used in your lineup.
You can move cards to your Reserves, quick sell them for coins, post them for an
auction, or post them for trade.
The Reserves area is new this year. This is an area where you can store cards that
are not currently part of your team. Think of it as your developmental squad, but a lot
bigger. You can store any type of card in your Reserves. The only actions you can take
on cards in your Reserves are to send them to your Active cards, or to quick sell them
for coins.
The My Packs screen is new this year. This screen is where you can see packs that you
own, and can choose to open those packs.
On the Play Game panel, you can choose to use your Ultimate Team in a variety of
game formats. Earn coins by playing against other users in Head to Head games and in
Solo Challenges. Challenge your friends, or take on NFL teams in CPU games.
The Ultimate Team Store is where
you go to find card packs, pack
bundles, and card deals to improve
your team. Rookie packs contain
entry-level cards and a rookie tier
player. Pro and All-Pro packs contain
increasingly better players and
coaches. Legendary packs give you a
chance at the greatest players ever
to have played the game.
This year, you can purchase pack
bundles, which provide you discounts
when purchasing larger quantities of
packs. If you are looking for a specific card to add to your Ultimate Team, players and
contracts can often be found in the Card Deals category.
Gather complete collections in
Ultimate Team to get access to new
players, coaches, and other rewards.
To add a card to a collection, place the
card in your Pending Collections bin
from the New Cards or Active Cards
screens. Then go to the appropriate
collection and you can add that card.
Collecting some Legends unlocks the
ability to begin a career with that
player in Connected Careers.