Adding Friends
At your Autolog Friends list, view recommended Friends, or see Friends of Friends who have played
Need for Speed
The Run
. You can also see players whom you’ve recently raced with online.
Gallery and Photos
The Gallery is where you view your photos, your Friends’ photos, and popular photos from the Need
for Speed community.
Dreamshots are high-quality images you can share with your Friends. When you are in an event,
press ESC to access the pause menu and select PHOTO MODE to begin.
This is where you can find the latest and greatest information and updates from
Need for Speed
The Run
and the Need for Speed community.
Autolog in The Run
When racing in The Run from San Francisco to New York City, your times are tracked and compared
against your Friends’ at every step of the journey.
Compete with Friends to own the fastest stage times and become the stage leader.
When you’re not the stage leader, your Friend’s Autolog Stage time is displayed as a ticker in your
HUD, which compares your current stage progress to the stage leader.
If you’re not happy with your current stage progress, or if you finish up the stage and feel you could
have done better, select to restart the stage and take another shot at the stage leader. You can also
select to replay earlier stages from The Run in the Stage Select menu.
You’re also competing for the grand prize—the fastest overall time in The Run.