Invading forces are made up of Reapers, Cerberus, and Geth.
If you wish to defend a territory against a specific hostile force, choose an enemy type when joining or
creating a mission.
Setting the enemy to “unknown” generates an enemy at random and awards your character a +15%
experience bonus.
Choose from bronze, silver, and gold challenges when joining or creating a mission.
Bronze challenges are intended for beginners, silver for intermediate players, and gold is for experts.
The harder the difficulty setting, the more credits and experience your character earns.
Host Migration
If a hosting player leaves a game, a new host is selected from the squad, and the mission restarts
from the beginning of the current wave.
The Missions
Multiplayer missions, or matches, are broken into 10 waves of enemies (plus one bonus wave) that
increase in difficulty as they hit your position.
Mission Objectives
During a mission, the team must complete specified objectives to proceed to the next wave.
Complete these objectives within the allotted time to avoid failing the mission. Objectives occur on
waves 3, 6, and 10.
There are three types of mission objectives:
Assassination Take out a number of targeted enemies before time runs out.
Hacking Capture and hold a point in order to hack critical data before time runs out.
Devices Enable or disable key devices in sequence before time runs out.
Squads and combatants can earn medals for coordinated efforts and individual actions. Points
derived from earning medals add to the team’s experience and to the mission’s score.
Extraction Points
After a mission’s tenth wave, the
team must rally to an extraction point.
Mission bonuses are based on the
number of teammates alive by the
time the Alliance shuttle reaches the
extraction point to retrieve the team.