Section: 3 Information Notice
Please read through this manual carefully and thoroughly, as it gives important information regarding
safety, use and maintenance. Keep this manual with the unit for possible future reference.
Product Modification Warning:
Elation Professional products are designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of United States
and International safety regulations. Modifications to the product could affect safety and render the
product non-compliant to relevant safety standards.
Updates & Changes:
Information and specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice. Elation Professional
assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
© 2006 Elation Professional
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
permission in writing from Elation Professional.
Section 4: Product Registration & Warranty Information
The MAGIC-260 carries a one year limited warranty. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate
your purchase. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight prepaid and
accompany a return authorization, (R.A., number). Any product or parts returned to Elation must be packaged
in a suitable manner to ensure the protection of such product unit or parts, and must include a clearly and
prominently marked R.A. number on the outside of the return package in dark black ink. A brief description of
the problem as well as the R.A. number must also be written down on a piece of paper and included in the
shipping carton. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide a copy of your purchase receipt or invoice.
It is the owner’s responsibility to furnish receipts or invoices for verification of purchase, date and dealer or
distributor. If purchase date cannot be provided, date of manufacture will be used to determine warranty
period. You may obtain a R.A. number by contacting our customer support team on our customer support
number, (800) 322.6337 ext-401. All packages, returned to our service department not including a
legible R.A. number on the outside of the package, will be refused.