Replacing the Lamp
As the projector operates over time, the brightness of the projector lamp gradually
decreases and the lamp becomes more susceptible to breakage. We recommend replacing
the lamp if a warning message is displayed.
The lamp becomes high temperature after turning off the projector with
the power button. If you touch the lamp, you may scald your finger.
When you replace the lamp, wait for at least 45 minutes for the lamp to
cool down.
Do not touch the lamp glass at any time. The lamp may explode due to
improper handling, including the touching of the lamp glass.
Lamp lifetime may differ from lamp to lamp and according to the
environment of use. There is no guarantee of the same lifetime for each
lamp. Some lamps may fail or terminate their lifetime in a shorter period
of time than other similar lamps.
A lamp may explode as a result of vibration, shock or degradation as a
result of hours of use as its lifetime draws to an end. Risk of explosion
may differ according to the environment or conditions in which the
projector and lamp are being used.
Faster on-off-cycles will damage the lamp and reduce lamp life. Wait at
least for 5 minutes to turn off the projector after powering on.
Do not operate the lamp in proximity to paper, cloth, or other combustible
material nor cover it with such materials. Otherwise it could cause a fire.
Do not operate the lamp in an atmosphere containing an inflammable
substance, such as thinner. Otherwise it could cause a fire or explosion.
Thoroughly ventilate the area or the room when operating the lamp in
an oxygen atmosphere (in the air). If ozone is inhaled, it could cause
headaches, nausea, dizziness, etc.
The inorganic mercury is involved in the lamp. If the lamp bursts, the
mercury inside the lamp will go out of the projector. Leave the area
immediately if the lamp shatters while being operated and ventilate the
area for at least 30 minutes in order to avoid the inhalation of mercury
fumes. Otherwise it could be harmful to user’s health.
Replacement lamp can be ordered through your dealer. When ordering a projection
lamp, give the following information to the dealer.
Model No. of your projector : EIP-X350
Replacement Lamp No. : P8984-1021