alarm cancel signal within that period. It switches the relay for
5 seconds with the switch in pulse mode.
Low Battery Indication: Red light flashes every 10 seconds.
(The green light switches off when the red is on).
Size of System: : the recommended maximum number of
Radiolink units should not exceed 12 i.e any combination of
relays, smoke alarms and remote controls to a maximum of
12 in total. Contact the Technical Services Department at one
of the addresses below for advice on systems requiring more
than this.
Communication: All units will communicate with other
uncoded devices (e.g. Smoke Alarms) as shipped. After a
unit has been house coded it will only communicate with other
units house coded at the same time. House coding is essen-
tial to prevent false alarms from neighbouring systems.
Entering House Code Mode: Pressing and holding the
House Code switch until the red light comes on puts the
RadioLink Relay into House code mode.
House Code Mode: The RadioLink Relay transmits and
receives specific Codes. The red light flashes once every 5
seconds (interupting the green light) for each unit’s code it
memorises (including itself). Only 12 flashes can be counted
in house code mode – so communication among more than
12 devices has to be done functionally with the test buttons
Duration of House Code Mode: 15 minutes
Clearing House Codes: The house codes memorised can be
deleted (i.e. the RadioLink Relay can be uncoded) by press-
ing and holding the House Code switch on for about 6 sec-
onds. The red light will come on and then flash slowly to
Indicate the smoke alarm has been returned to the default
Factory settings.
Aico Ltd.,
Mile End Business Park,
Maesbury Road, Oswestry,
Shropshire SY10 8NN, U.K.
Telephone: 0870 7584000
Ei Electronics,
Shannon Industrial Estate,
Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland.
Telephone: +353 61 471277
P/N A15267 Rev 0
© Ei Electronics 2004