There are two distinct cycles: freeze and harvest.
During the freeze cycle, water flows to the evaporator surface. In the harvest cycle, the
ice is released and water enters the machine. A complete cycle can take 15 to 40 minutes,
depending on temperature and operating conditions.
Freeze: During the freeze cycle the compressor is pumping refrigerant, the fan motor is
blowing air, and the water pump is circulating water. When the batch of ice has been fully
formed, the ice maker stops the freeze cycle and begins the harvest cycle.
Harvest: During the harvest cycle the compressor is still operating, but the water pump
has stopped. The hot gas valve opens, diverting hot refrigerant gas into the evaporator.
The gas warms the evaporator, causing the cubes to slide, as a unit, off the evaporator and
into the storage bin. The freeze cycle will restart when all the cubes have been harvested.
How the machine uses the water
The ice maker begins with a fixed charge of water that is contained in the water trough.
As the water flows to the freezing evaporator surface, the portion of water that does not
contain mineral impurities will freeze and stick to the ice cube molds. The water
impurities falls back into the trough. During the ice-making process, fresh water enters
the water trough continuously as the water from the trough freezes continuously on the
Normal Sounds
Your new icemaker may make sounds that are not familiar to you. Most of the new
sounds are normal. Hard surfaces like the floor, walls can make the sounds seem louder
than they actually are. The following describes the kinds of sounds that might be new to
you and what may be making them.
z Ratting noises may come from the flow of the refrigerant or the water line, Items
stored on top of the icemaker can also make noises.
z The high efficiency compressor may make a pulsating or high-pitched sound.