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© 9/2014 ECHO Inc.
TILLING - Recommended tilling depth is 15-20 cm (6 - 8
Install Tines with individual tines angled forward, toward front of
unit. (See Tine Removal/Cleaning/Installation)
• Use a forward/backward motion to till soil. Allow tines to dig
into soil, then pull unit back to break up and pulverize clumps.
Tilling depth is controlled by the number of times the
forward/backward motion is used in an area.
• Controlling tilling depth :
• Shallow tilling: Move tiller over soil surface quickly. Tines should be in cultivating position.
• Deeper tilling: Move tiller over soil slowly. Allow tiller to work the same area until desired depth is reached.
• Big Weeds/Tough Roots: Rock tiller back and forth over tough spot until the tines slice through the roots or
• Digging Holes: Hold tiller in place, and allow tines to dig down
into the soil. Allow tines to dig approximately 6 – 8 inches
deep, then lift unit up and out. Remove loose soil with shovel
or rake. Resume digging with rotating tiller tines until desired
depth is reached.
CULTIVATING – Recommended cultivating depth is 5-7.5
cm (2 – 3 inches). Install Tines with individual tines angled
rearward, toward the operator.
(See Tine Removal/Cleaning/Installation) Allow unit to move
forward slowly. Pull unit back to cut vegetation and cultivate soil
to desired depth. Repeat forward/backward motion as needed.