- 11 -
The nylon line will allow you to trim along walls and
fence lines. Always try to trim from right to left, walking
behind the unit and parallel to the wall or fence, thus
deflecting debris away from the operator.
1. The nylon line is intended only to cut grass and
should not be used to cut a normal edging trench
along stone or concrete driveway etc.
2. Tilt the unit vertically as illsutrated and use only
the line tip to remove unwanted growth.
• The nylon line will effectively mow large areas of
heavy grass and/or weeds. Use the standard 12.5
- 15 cm ( 5 - 6 inch) of line and operate at full
• When mowing cultivated areas such as lawns hold
the cutter head pararell to the gound to avoid
1. The cleaning of weeds and grass right down to
the earth can be accomplished very easily with
the nylon line.
2. Scalping around trees and brushes is particularly
effective, but care should be exercised not to bruise
the bark of young and sensitive growth.
3. In flower beds, always remenber that the nylon
line will cut in a complete circle to avoid cutting
flowers instead of weeds.
1. Sweeping grass and other debris from a hard
surface can be done very quickly.