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Blowers pictured below are 65dB(A):
PB-200 PB-230LN PB-260L
Echo offers many sound reduced blowers:
PB-200 65 PB-460LN 65
PB-210 65 PB-610 72
PB-230L 65 PB-620 72
PB-260L 65 PB-651 74
PB-403 71 PB-751 74
PB-410 72
Note: Not only has the sound level been reduced by more than half,
but also the sound quality of leaf blowers has been improved. On
many new designs, the high-pitched whine or siren effect has been
virtually eliminated. It’s all in the design of the fan and fan housing.
Guidelines for proper leaf blower use:
The primary solution to solving the leaf blower noise problem, after improving leaf
blower design, is operator education. People must be made aware of the issues and
become sensitive to the bystander’s complaint. Once trained, the conscientious operator
should help others to understand how to avoid generating complaints. The trained
operator can even help in the organization of additional training programs within their
own company and community. If at the present time there is no leaf blower sound or
noise related issue in your area, that is the best time to implement the following
guidelines. In other wards, prevent the problem before it gets started. Once it reaches the
point of pending legislation to control leaf blowers, it can be very difficult to reverse the
trend. The leaf blower noise issue is best resolved at the source and before it becomes a