8:30 - 4:30 Mon - Fri C.S.T.
400 oa k w o o d ro a d
la k e Zu r I c h , Il 60047-1564
w w w .e c h o -u s a .c o m
se r v I c I n g In f o r m a t I o n
p a r t s
/s e r I a l n u m b e r
Genuine ECHO Parts and ECHO REPOWER™ Parts and Assem-
blies for your ECHO products are available only from an Authorized
ECHO Dealer. When you do need to buy parts always have the Model
Number and Serial Number of the attachment with you. You can nd
these numbers on the driveshaft model/serial number label. For future
reference, write them in the space provided below.
Model No. ______________SN._________________________
s e r v I c e
Service of this product during the warranty period must be performed
by an Authorized ECHO Service Dealer. For the name and address of
the Authorized ECHO Service Dealer nearest you, ask your retailer or
call: 1-800-432-ECHO (3246). When presenting your unit for War-
ranty service/repairs, proof of purchase is required.
e c h o c o n s u m e r p r o d u c t s u p p o r t
If you require assistance or have questions concerning the application,
operation or maintenance of this product you may call the ECHO Con-
sumer Product Support Department at 1-800-673-1558 from 8:30 am
to 4:30 pm (Central Standard Time) Monday through Friday. Before
calling, please know the model and serial number of your unit to help
your Consumer Product Support Representative.
w a r r a n t y r e g I s t r a t I o n
To ensure trouble free warranty coverage it is important that you regis-
ter your ECHO equipment on-line at www.echo-usa.com. Other regis-
tration options are by automated phone at 1-800-432-3246 or by lling
out the warranty registration card supplied with your unit. Registering
your product conrms your warranty coverage and provides a direct
link between you and ECHO if we nd it necessary to contact you.
a d d I t I o n a l o r r e p l a c e m e n t m a n u a l s
Replacement Operator, Safety Manuals, and Parts Catalogs are available from your ECHO dealer or at www.echo-
usa.com or by contacting ECHO Inc., 400 Oakwood Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 (800-673-1558). Always check the
ECHO Web Site for updated information.
Safety Videos are available from your Echo dealer. A $5.00 shipping charge will be required for each video.