Appendix A: Troubleshooting Guide
Appendix A: Troubleshooting Guide
Problem: You are unable to get your DAT recorder to recognize the S/PDIF
output from AudioFire2, AudioFire4 or AudioFire8.
Solution: Digital information is transmitted in either of two modes, “professional”
or “consumer.” The professional mode is usually implemented in devices that are
likely to be used in professional recording environments, whereas the consumer
mode is commonly implemented on equipment designed for home use in the
consumer market. The primary difference between the two modes is in the
implementation of the SCMS copy protection bit, which, in the consumer format,
prevents the user from making digital copies of a digital copy. In most professional
equipment, this copy-protection bit can be turned off or on according to the user’s
needs. In consumer products, the SCMS bit is always enabled.
Unfortunately there is no way for the transmitting device to automatically detect
which format the receiving device is able to accept. If you have a DAT deck that is
not able to read the S/PDIF output from your AudioFire, chances are it is
transmitting in the mode that the deck is not equipped to handle.
We have provided a software switch in the driver that allows you to select which
mode AudioFire8 transmits. To access this switch go to the console. Click on the
Settings tab. In the window that appears you’ll see a pair of radio buttons in an
area labeled S/PDIF Format; one radio button is labeled Consumer and the other
Professional. Select the appropriate format for your DAT (if you don’t know
which one to use, simply select the one that is not currently checked). Now click
the Close button and again try recording to your DAT.
AudioFire never transmits the SCMS bit; regardless of which mode is