How to attach to your ATV:
Position the M30 centered on either the front or rear luggage
rack on your ATV. Next using the 2 included “U-Bolts” con-
nect the rear cross bars to the luggage rack cross bar closest to
the seat or handlebars. Using the two, included “Double J
Bolts” attach the M30 to the luggage rack securing it to the
outer most rail on the luggage rack. Tighten all fasteners and
cut any excessive bolt lengths that extend beyond the nuts on
the “U & J-Bolts” and smooth if necessary.
Prior to each use, inspect the mounting hardware for loosening and the spreader to ensure the rigidity of
the mount by tightening any loose hardware either on the Spreader or Luggage Rack mounts.
If rate settings are not available use the following procedure to calculate the setting:
1. Determine how much material is to be applied per 1,000 sq/ft.
2. Measure off a distance of 50 feet, preferably on a paved surface such as a parking lot.
3. Weigh out enough of the material to be applied to fill the hopper at least half full. Record the weight for
future use.
4. With the unit mounted on the vehicle and the hopper at least half full of the material to be spread, posi-
tion the vehicle far enough before the beginning of the 50 foot test area so that the vehicle will achieve
the desired speed before you reach the starting line.
5. Set the rate setting stop at a position that you feel would be an appropriate setting.
6. Start the vehicle in motion and as you cross the starting line (of the 50 feet) move the rate lever to the
open position against the stop. Take care to be aware of what is going on around you maintaining con-
trol of the vehicle.
7. Continue from the starting line with the unit spreading the material. As you cross the finish line move
the rate lever to the closed position.
8. Stop the vehicle and note the width of the spread path that was just completed.
9. Return to the start point and empty the remaining material from the hopper into your weighing con-
tainer and re-weigh.