The zoom feature enlarges all images on the screen by doubling the size
of the echoes (a 2X zoom). For example, if the current auto depth range
is 0 to 60 feet, Zoom will show an enlarged view of the water column
from 30 feet to 60 feet, always keeping the bottom in view.
To zoom the display, press the
MENU key until the ZOOM menu appears.
↑ to select ON, then press PWR to clear the menu.
Zoom feature turned off (left). Zoom turned on (right).
You can tell when the display is in Zoom mode because the top depth
scale on the left of the screen will no longer show zero. For example, if the
current range is 0 to 80 feet with zoom off, switching to zoom would en-
large the water column from 40 feet to 80 feet. The number 40 (instead of
zero) would appear at the top of the depth range scale.
To turn off the zoom feature off, press the
MENU key until the ZOOM menu
appears. Press ↓ to select
OFF, then press PWR to clear the menu. The top
of the depth range scale returns to zero.