
About Your New Labelmaker
With your new DYMO M1011 labelmaker, you can create a wide
variety of plastic and metal labels. The labelmaker uses DYMO
12 mm (1/2") label tape. DYMO plastic tapes are available in a wide
variety of colors. Metal tapes are available as follows:
Aluminium with adhesive (35800)
Aluminium without adhesive (31000)
Stainless Steel (32500)
You can also use a Reverse Image Wheel with the DYMO M1011
labelmaker. This wheel allows you to print mirror script labels that
meet special requirements in the industry. Mirror labels are used on
moulds or casts for metal or rubber injection, silicon casting, fiber
glass applications, and so on.
Visit www.dymo.com for information on obtaining tapes and
accessories for your labelmaker.