Questions? Did we forget to tell you something? Many people, over time, have questions about their
DIRECTV PLUS System. We have compiled the most common of these questions and the
answers in this appendix. We hope they help!
Q I had a signal but now I am getting a message “Searching for satellite signal. To access related
utilities, press .” What happened?
A Rain clouds and snow can affect the satellite signal reception. This loss of signal is temporary.
Also check for new growth on trees and bushes that could be blocking the signal. One other
possibility is that the wind or someone has moved the satellite dish antenna.
Q Why can’t I control my TV?
A Before you can control your TV, VCR, or any other device, besides your digital satellite
receiver, you must program your remote control to match your different devices. See the
chapter, “Programming Your Remote Control” in this manual for specific instructions. If you
have already successfully programmed your remote control, try pressing the appropriate
device key to put your remote in the proper mode. Then try controlling that device. Also,
make sure that the batteries in the remote control are good.
Q My digital satellite receiver does not respond when I press keys. What’s wrong?
A Most likely, if the front panel keys work but the remote control doesn’t work, try pressing the
“SAT” key before trying to control the digital satellite receiver. If that doesn’t work, press the
“SAT” and “Mute” keys together and try again. If that doesn’t work, or if the front panel keys
don’t work either, unplug your digital satellite receiver for 30 seconds, then plug it back in.
Since your digital satellite receiver is a computing device it is susceptible to erratic changes in
power and/or signal, just as any other computer, and these sudden changes can cause it to
become “confused.”
Q Some channels look good, while others freeze or indicate that no signal is available. What’s
A The most common causes for this behavior relate to an improperly grounded satellite cable.
Check the cable between your digital satellite receiver and the satellite dish antenna. Confirm
that RG-6 (not RG-59) cable is used and does not exceed 100 feet in length. Longer cable
runs require amplification. This special amplifier is available from your dealer.
Q How can I watch one satellite program while recording another?
A With only one digital satellite receiver, unfortunately, you can’t. Each receiver can only
decode one channel at a time.