
© 2002 directed electronics, inc.
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Control Unit:
The “brain” of your system. Usually hidden under
the dash area of the vehicle. It houses the microprocessor that
monitors your vehicle and controls all system functions.
A red light mounted at a discretionary location inside the
vehicle. It is used to indicate the status of your system.
A hand-held, remote control which operates the
various functions of your system.
Valet Switch:
A small button mounted at a discretionary location
inside the vehicle. It is used to override the starter interrupt when
a transmitter is lost or damaged, or to enter or exit Valet Mode.
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Listed below are some of the many expansion options available
for use with your system. Some options may require additional
parts and/or labor. Please consult with your dealer for a
complete list of options available for use with this system.
Power Door Lock Control:
Your system is capable of controlling
many types of power door lock systems; however, some door
lock systems may require extra parts. Consult with your dealer
to determine which type of locks your vehicle uses. If power
locks are connected, the system can be programmed to lock the
doors automatically 30 seconds after the ignition has been
turned off. The system can also be programmed to lock the
doors when the ignition is turned on and to unlock them when
the ignition is turned off.