BBus Bridge Control and Status registers
NS9750 Hardware Reference
DMA Peripheral Chip Select register
Address: A040 000C / 002C
The DMA Peripheral Chip Select register contains the DMA peripheral chip select
definition. The BBus bridge contains a DMA Peripheral Chip Select register for each
D27 RW1TC PCIP 0 Premature complete interrupt pending
Set when a DMA transfer is terminated by assertion of
dma_done signal. NCIP is set when PCIP is set, for
backward compatibility.
D26:25 R/W Not used 0 Always set this field to 0.
D24 R/W NCIE 0x0 Enable NCIP interrupt generation
D23 R/W ECIE 0x0 Enable ECIP interrupt generation
Always enable during normal operation.
D22 R/W NRIE 0x0 Enable NRIP interrupt generation
D21 R/W CAIE 0x0 Enable CAIP interrupt generation
Always enable during normal operation.
D20 R/W PCIE 0x0 Enable PCIP interrupt generation
D19 R WRAP 0x0 Debug field, indicating the last descriptor in the buffer
descriptor list.
D18 R IDONE 0x0 Debug field, indicating an interrupt on done occurrence.
D17 R LAST 0x0 Debug field, indicating the last buffer descriptor in the
current data frame.
D16 R FULL 0x0 Debug field, indicating the status of the F bit from the
current DMA buffer descriptor.
D15:00 R BLEN 0x0000 Debug field, indicating the remaining byte transfer
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 298: DMA Status and Interrupt Enable register bit definition