Adapter Configuration
Corinex AV200 Powerline Ethernet Wall Mount
First of all, the Criterion field must be set to Custom, in order to create custom
rules for traffic classification.
To prioritize UDP traffic, first the Ethernet packets containing IP packets must be
detected. This requires detecting the pattern 0x0800 at offset 16. Because the field
to inspect is two bytes, the bitmask must also cover the same space. Therefore,
0xFFFF is used as the bitmask. These values are introduced in the fields Custom
Criterion Offset, Custom Criterion Pattern and Custom Criterion Bitmask.
Once the trigger condition is entered, the classification rules must be specified.
Only the fields that are actually changed will take effect. The rest will be ignored.
IP packets have a one-byte field at offset 27 that indicates the Protocol Type.
UDP protocol is pattern 0x11. Because the field to inspect is only one byte, the
bitmask is also one byte. The values are entered in the first available rule (1) as Class
Pattern 1 and Class Priority 1.
The rest of the traffic (FTP, web browsing, etc.) will receive default priority 2. On the
other side of the network, the adapter connected to the computer will also classify
outgoing data traffic with default priority 2 because no rule has been programmed.
Note: While the offset value is assumed to be decimal, the patterns and the
bitmasks are in hexadecimal format by default.
3.5 Firmware Update Page
This page appears when a firmware update is requested from the Change
Configuration page, and it shows the status of the current firmware update.
The Firmware Update page is reloaded automatically every 30 seconds. When
the status line shows Ready: finished correctly, the wall mount adapter can be
restarted, and the new firmware will be activated.
If the update process fails, an error message will be shown. In this situation, the
wall mount adapter can be reset without any risk, but the old firmware will still be
present on the adapter.
The adapter connected to the ADSL adapter is the access point. Data and video
are delivered through ADSL. The access point must prioritize the video higher than
other data, to avoid a jittery image whenever there is a heavy data download.