Terminal Functions
Location Mnemonic Type Description
1 DDCC_SCL Digital Input HDCP slave serial clock port C.
DDCC_SCL is a 3.3 V input that is 5 V
2 CVDD Power Receiver comparator supply voltage (1.8V)
3 CGND Ground TVDD and CVDD Ground
4 RXC_C- HDMI Input Digital input clock Complement of port C
in the HDMI interface.
5 RXC_C+ HDMI Input Digital input clock True of port C in the
HDMI interface.
6 TVDD Power Receiver terminator supply voltage (3.3 V)
7 RXC_0- HDMI Input Digital input channel 0 Complement of port
C in the HDMI interface.
8 RXC_0+ HDMI Input Digital input channel 0 True of port C in
the HDMI interface.
9 CGND Ground TVDD and CVDD Ground
10 RXC_1- HDMI Input Digital input channel 1 Complement of port
C in the HDMI interface.
11 RXC_1+ HDMI Input Digital input channel 1 True of port C in
the HDMI interface.
12 TVDD Power Receiver terminator supply voltage (3.3 V)
13 RXC_2- HDMI Input Digital input channel 2 Complement of port
C in the HDMI interface.
14 RXC_2+ HDMI Input Digital input channel 2 True of port C in
the HDMI interface.
15 HP_CTRLD Digital Output Hot Plug Detect for Port D.
16 5V_DETD Digital Input 5 V detect pin for port D in the HDMI
17 DGND Ground Ground for DVDD
18 DVDD Power Digital supply voltage (1.8 V)
19 DDCD_SDA Digital I/O HDCP slave serial data ports D.
DDCD_SDA is a 3.3 V input/output that is
5 V tolerant.
20 DDCD_SCL Digital Input HDCP slave serial clock port D.
DDCD_SCL is a 3.3 V input that is 5 V
21 CVDD Power Receiver comparator supply voltage (1.8V)
22 CGND Ground TVDD and CVDD Ground
23 RXD_C- HDMI Input Digital input clock Complement of port D
in the HDMI interface.
24 RXD_C+ HDMI Input Digital input clock True of port D in the
HDMI interface.
25 TVDD Power Receiver terminator supply voltage (3.3 V)
26 RXD_0- HDMI Input Digital input channel 0 Complement of port