Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
5-18 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61
d4 Display forward/reverse command (Frd/rEv)
0-04 Content of Multi-function Display
Factory Setting: d0
Settings d0 Display the user-defined unit (u)
d1 Display the counter value (C)
d2 Display the content of PLC time (
d3 Display the DC BUS voltage (U)
d4 Display the output voltage (E)
d5 Display frequency commands of PID (P)
d6 Display analog feedback signal value (b) (%)
Display the user-defined unit, where unit = H X Pr.0-5-
0-05 User Defined Coefficient K Unit: 0. 1
Settings d0.1 to d160 Factory Setting: d1.0
The coefficient K determines the multiplying factor for the user-defined unit.
The display value is calculated as follows:
Display value = (output frequency x K)
The display window is only capable of showing three digits, yet you could use Pr.0-05 to
create larger numbers. The display windows uses decimal points to signify numbers up to five
digits as illustrated in the following:
Display Number Represented
999 The absence of a decimal point indicates a three–digit integer.
A signal decimal point between the middle and the right-most numbers is a true
decimal point; it separates ones and tenths as in “30.5” (thirty and one-half).
A single decimal point after the right-most numbers is not a true decimal point,
instead it indicates that a zero follows the right-most number. For example, the
number 1230 would be displayed as “123.”
Two decimal points (one between the middle and the right-most numbers, and
one after the right-most number) are not true decimal points; instead they indicate
that two zeros follow the right-most number. For example, the number 34500
would be displayed as “34.5.”.
0-06 Software Version
Settings Read Only
Display d #.#