
Chapter 6 Fault Code Information and Maintenance| BLD-E1 Series
Revision May 2009, 00DE, V0.50
Fault Descriptions
Corrective Actions
PG feedback error
Check if Pr.10-01 is not set to 0 when it is PG
feedback control.
PG feedback loss
Check the wiring of the PG feedback.
PG feedback stall
1. Check the wiring of the PG feedback.
2. Check if the setting of PI gain and
deceleration is suitable (Pr.10-05~Pr.10-06).
3. Return to the factory.
PG slip error
1. Check the wiring of the PG feedback.
2. Check if the setting of PI gain and
deceleration is suitable (Pr.10-07~Pr.10-08).
3. Return to the factory.
ACI loss
1. Check the ACI wiring.
2. Check if the ACI signal is less than 4mA.
External Fault
1. Input EF (N.O.) on external terminal is closed
to GND. Output U, V, W will be turned off.
2. Give RESET command after fault has been
Emergency stop
When the multi-function input
terminals MI1 to MI6 are set to
emergency stop and the
brushless DC motor drive
stops output.
Press RESET after fault has been cleared.
Illegal function code
The function code must be 03,
06, 10, 63
Check if the function code is correct.
Illegal communication
Communication address for
0X2XX should be 0X2000 to
Check if the communication address is correct.
Illegal data length
Data length should be 1~20
Check if the communication data length is correct.
Illegal data value
Communication address
0x2XXX, 0X22XX…etc. are
read only
Check if the communication address is correct.
Communication time-out
Check if the wiring for the communication is correct.