
28 Getting Started
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From this Advanced
Fax option:
You can select:
Redial Attempts The number of times you want the machine to try again if your fax does not
go through:
•0 times
•1 time
2 times (default)
•3 times
•4 times
•5 times
Redial Interval The time the machine waits before attempting a fax call again:
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes (default)
4 minutes
5 minutes
6 minutes
7 minutes
8 minutes
Fax Confirmation Off — no status page is printed
Print for all — prints a status report after each fax you send, including jobs
that have errors
Print for errors (default) — prints a status report only after jobs that did
not send
Activity Report
On request (default) — you can ask for the report to print
After 40 faxes — report is automatically generated after 40 faxes print
Fit Fax To Page How the received fax will be printed.
Try to fit (default)
•Two pages
Fax Footer On (default) — the All-In-One automatically inserts the time, date, and
page number at the bottom of each incoming fax
Dialing Method Touch Tone (default)
Behind a PBX (Dial tone detect off) — Send a fax without waiting for a
dial tone.