• calc. 233mg • fiber 1g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 848% • Vitamin C 247% • Iron 39% • Folate 51%
Garden Patch
These garden vegetables make a nice and light
cooling beverage.
Makes about four 6-ounce servings
3 medium tomatoes, about 8 to 10
½ large cucumber, about 6 ounces
½ lime, peeled, about ½ ounce
1 handful parsley, about 1 cup packed
2 sprigs cilantro
1 medium red pepper, about 9 to 11
¼ jalapeño pepper, seeds discarded
1. Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 3.
Turn the unit on and juice the tomatoes,
cucumber and lime.
2. Increase to speed 5 and juice the parsley, cilantro,
red pepper and jalapeño.
3. Stir juice and serve immediately.
Nutritional information per serving (6 ounces):
Calories 48 (9% from fat) • carb. 11g • pro. 2g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 15mg
• calc. 43mg • fiber 1g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 85% •Vitamin C 309% • Folate 13%
“Green” Apple Juice
The vitamin K present in this juice provides
over eight times your daily value, and assists in
bone formation and liver health.
Makes about 2 servings
1 to 2 leaves beet greens
6 sprigs parsley
1 medium orange, about 6 ounces,
4 kale leaves
1 cup packed spinach leaves,
about 1 ounce
2 medium apples, about 10 ounces
1. Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 5.
Turn the unit on and juice all ingredients in the
order listed.
2. Stir juice and serve immediately.
Nutritional information per serving (8 ounces):
Calories 94 (4% from fat) • carb. 24g • pro. 2g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 86mg
• calc. 72mg • fiber 1g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin A 231% • Vitamin C 191%
• Beta Carotene 6833mcg
Apple, Beet
and Fennel Juice
A sweet juice, this combination is bright
in color and packed with nutrients,
including 608mg of potassium.
Makes about 2 servings
medium orange, about 3 ounces, peeled
2 medium apples, about 10 ounces
1 medium beet, about 5 ounces
¼ bulb fennel, about 3 ounces
1. Turn the Cuisinart
Juice Extractor to speed 2.
Turn the unit on and juice the orange.
2. Increase the speed to 5 and juice the remaining
3. Stir juice and serve immediately.
Nutritional information per serving (8 ounces):
Calories 130 (3% from fat) • carb. 33g • pro. 2g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 79mg
• calc. 53mg • fiber 1g
Notable nutrients based on daily percentages:
Vitamin C 49% • Folate 26%
Afternoon “Pick Me Up”
This light and zesty cooler is perfect
for a late-day lift.
Makes about 2 servings
2 cups grapes
½ lemon, peeled, about 1 to 2 ounces
1 cup packed mint leaves
½ ounce ginger, about a 1-inch piece
2 medium apples, about 10 ounces