NOTE: The tee may be rotated into any position so that the collar is in a convenient orientation.
a) Apply a bead of red silicone sealant (supplied) to the boiler vent collar approx. 1” from end of
collar. (Figure 7a)
b) Remove all oil and grease from the inside of the appliance adapter, and apply a bead of red
silicone sealant to inside of adapter ½” from end (Figure 7a).
c) With a twisting motion, assemble the appliance adapter onto the vent collar.
d) Using a block of wood on the end of the adapter, push the adapter onto the vent collar, using care
to avoid damaging the vent collar or the adapter (Figure 7b).
e) Keep the sampling port in the 12 o’clock position and align the prepunched slots in the appliance
adapter to the threaded holes on the vent collar.
f) Secure the appliance adapter to the boiler vent collar with (3) 1/4-20 x 1/2” stainless steel cap
screws inserted into the three tapped holes in the appliance collar and tighten. (Figure 6b).
g) Apply red silicone sealant to the end of the adapter and anchoring screws. (Figure 7b).
h) After testing and burner adjustments have been made, apply red silicone sealant to the supplied
3/8” sampling port plug screw and install the screw in the sampling port (Figure 7b).
i) Maintain clearances to combustibles. If the appliance adapter is within 18” of combustible
material, wrap minimum 1-1/2” ceramic insulation (installer-supplied) around the exposed
portion of the appliance adapter.
a) An optional reducing tee adapter is available for use in place of the standard appliance
adapter (Figure 8a). This reduces the clearance needed from the back of the boiler.
b) Apply a bead of red silicone sealant (supplied) to appliance collar approx. 1” from end of the
boiler vent collar. (Figure 8a)
c) Remove all oil and grease from the inside of the reducing tee adapter, and apply a bead of red
silicone sealant to inside of adapter ½” from end (Figure 8b).