Key no. Description Spare part code
93 Screw 3,5x16 mm self tap RPH BI1165 101
94 Electronic control - ignition p.c.b. BI1555 107
95 Fuse 2AF BI1165 112
96 Service panel cover BI1475 111
97 Control panel cover BI1475 112
98 Screw 3,5X9,5 mm self tap RPH BI1615 104
99 Flame detection electrode cable BI1615 111
100 Detection to trap wiring BI1615 108
101 Full nut M5 Hexagon BI1035 111
102 Toothed lock washer external 5,3x10 mm stainless BI1035 110
103 Machine Screw M5x10 mm Recessed Pan Head BI1035 109
104 Trap to earth wiring BI1615 102
105 Ignition electrode cable BI1615 112
106 Ignition electrode cable BI1615 110
107 Pump-diverter valve cable (Model combi) BI1615 113
108 Flow switches, temp. probes and modulator cable (Model combi) BI1615 115
109 Ignition p.c.b. cable BI1615 109
110 Electronic control p.c.b.-fan and APS device connection cable BI1615 114
111 Power supply and external control cable BI1615 116
112 Earth wiring BI1615 117
113 Fan cable BI1615 107
114 Flue pipe gasket BI1016 104
115 Air restrictor d. 82 mm BI1406 124
116 Flue outlet gasket BI1406 112
117 Wall mounting plate BI1124 104
118 Air pressure switch BI1406 125
119 Venturi device tube BI1256 101
120 Air defl ector - right BI1406 114
121 Side case panel BI1416 100
122 Combustion chamber side panel BI1326 100
123 Combustion chamber front panel BI1406 119
124 Front case panel BI1406 127
125 Window (glass + rubber frame) BI1206 118
126 Sealed chamber lid BI1406 105
127 Screw 4,8x13 mm AB self tapping RPH BZP BI1336 114
128 Sealed chamber gaskets kit BI1406 500
129 Combustion chamber rear panel BI1326 108
130 Fan holder bracket BI1406 120
131 Fan inlet gasket BI1406 111
132 Fan BI1406 126
133 Wire saddle BI1406 123
134 Flue hood BI1406 122
135 Fan outlet gasket BI1406 113
136 Venturi BI1406 128
137 Flue pressure switch tube BI1016 107
138 Air switch pressure test point BI1036 101
139 Overheat thermostat BI1262 139
140 Screw M4x5 mm - BZP RPH BI1406 117