Key no. Description Spare part code
47 Main exchanger connection clip BI1182 106
48 Condensing heat exchanger inlet pipe BI1262 136
49 Automatic air purger valve BI1212 107
50 Pump connection fork BI1262 116
51 Fork BI1262 120
52 Fork KI1042 101
53 Fork KI1042 115
54 Screw 5X16 BI1262 115
55 Pump (complete) BI1262 137
56 Pump gasket BI1172 113
57 Main exchanger outlet pipe (Model combi) BI1262 138
58 Probe holder BI1105 108
59 O-ring gasket 2,62X9,92 mm BI1262 113
60 Expansion vessel connection pipe BI1262 134
61 Flat gasket 3/8" O.D 15 mm, i.d. 8.5 mm BI1202 105
62 Condensing heat exchanger outlet pipe BI1262 107
63 Expansion vessel BI1182 105
64 Safety valve 30 psi BI1262 133
65 Safety valve connection pipe (Model combi) BI1262 132
66 Injectors with gaskets 130 - NG BI1203 502
66A Injectors with gaskets 85 - LPG BI1203 503
67 Burner BI1203 103
68 Detection electrode BI1123 102
69 Ignition electrode - right BI1123 103
70 Ignition electrode - left BI1123 101
71 Grommet BI1002 115
72 Tapping screw 3,5x9,5 mm recessed pan head BI1013 115
73 Taptite screw M4x8 mm Recessed pan head BI1013 111
74 Screw self tapping 3,9x9,5 mm type AB Recessed Pan Head BI1013 112
75 Gas valve BI1203 104
76 Gas pipe to the manifold BI1203 105
77 Tapping Screw ISO No8 B 4,2x9,5 Recessed Pan Head BI1013 110
78 Gas manifold with injectors NG BI1183 105
78A Gas manifold with injectors LPG BI1203 106
79 C.h. connection pipe BI1124 120
80 D.h.w. and d.c.w. connection pipe BI1124 118
81 Gas connection pipe BI1124 119
82 Full sequence control device BI1555 109
83 Fan and APS device BI1555 108
84 Temperature-pressure gauge BI1555 111
85 O-ring gasket 1,78 x 6,75 mm BI1475 119
86 Cover panel BI1555 112
87 Knob BI1555 113
88 Shaft BI1475 105
89 Control panel plug BI1475 110
90 Control panel box (Model combi) BI1555 114
91 Cable holder KI1066 208
92 Terminal block BI1475 109