B. Concentric Vent Adapter Kit Installation
1) The Concentric Vent Adapter Kits include:
Where the use of “silicone” is called for in the following instructions, use GE RTV106 for the vent adapters and
any general-purpose silicone sealant such as GE RTV102 for the air inlet piping connection.
a) Start assembly of the air intake box by fi rst removing the hose clamp shipped on the BWC vent collar.
Bend the three hose clamp tabs on this collar inward slightly.
b) Place the gasket over the vent collar and air intake collar as shown in Figure 1.8. The gasket should fi t
snugly against the vent collar and air intake collar with no gaps.
c) Bend the three hose clamp tabs on the vent collar outward slightly.
d) Clean the exterior of the male end and interior of the female end of the stainless vent adapter and the
inside of the vent collar on the boiler. Remove dirt, grease, and moisture from the surfaces to be sealed. Dry
surfaces or allow to dry thoroughly.
P/N 230550
P/N 230555
240470 240480 Rubber Gasket
240471 240481 Air Intake Box
90-054 90-054 #10 x 3/4” Sheet Metal Screws
240472 240482 Stainless Vent Adapter
230539 230575 Concentric Condensate Collector
240552 240552 Condensate Collector Adapter
240550 240550 Tapped Condensate Trap Plug
240560 240560 66”of 1/2” Clear PVC Tubing
240555 240555 90° Hose Barb (2)
240557 240557 1/2” Hose Clamps (2)