IX Gas Piping
1) Gas piping to the boiler must be sized to deliver an adequate supply of gas for the boiler to fire at the nameplate
input with the inlet pressure at the gas valves between the minimum and maximum valves shown on the rating
plate. For more information on gas line sizing, consult the Utility or the National Fuel Gas Code.
2) Figure 20 shows the typical gas piping connection(s) to the Series 16 boiler. A sediment trap must be installed
upstream of all gas controls. Install a manual shut-off valve and ground joint union as shown.
3) Be sure to use a pipe thread compound (pipe dope) compatible with the fuel type to be used i.e. NG (natural gas)
or LP (liquefied petroleum) for all gas line connections.
4) The use of teflon tape is not recommended for use on gas line connections.
5) The boiler and its gas connection must be leak tested before placing the boiler in operation. When doing this, the
boiler and its individual shut-off must be disconnected from the rest of the system during any pressure testing of
that system at pressures in excess of 1/2 psi. When pressure testing the gas system at pressures of 1/2 psi or
less, isolate the boiler from the gas supply system by closing its individual manual shut-off valve.
Figure 20: Gas Main Piping And Branch Connections To Boiler