Standard Equipment
All Boilers – Sections unassembled, flush
insulated jacket, burner mounting plate, burner
adapter plate, rear flue damper (top outlet
optional), flue canopy, rear observation port cover,
target wall (V-903A), and miscellaneous plugs,
bushings and fittings.
Steam Trim – 15 PSI safety valve, L404A
pressuretrol, gauge glass assembly, steam gauge.
Water Trim – 30 PSI safety relief valve, L4006A
high limit, pressure temperature gauge.
Oil Boilers – Flange mounted flame retention
oil burner furnished with 2 stage fuel unit, primary
control and dual oil valves.
Gas Boilers – Flange mounted gas burner
with standard controls meeting the latest UL
requirements, dual gas valves and electronic
Optional Equipment
Top outlet flue damper, tankless heaters, 50 PSI
relief valves (water), and combustion and
hydronic controls to meet ASME CSD-1.
Front mounted
controls for easy
adjustment and
Burner mounting
plate with flame
observation port
Your choice
of a Beckett
gas or oil burner
Wet base
construction for
improved circulation
Cast iron nipples
ensure integrity
of section assembly
Cast iron vertical
flue design with
inned heating
urface achieves
maximum heat transfer
Tankless heater
for domestic
hot water
Top or rear flue outlet
with adjustable lock-type
damper includes
tapping for outlet
pressure readings
Left side jacket
panels and cleanouts
for easy access to
all flue surfaces
Rear cover includes
flame observation
port and plugged
tapping for over-fi
draft readings
einforced lugs and
individual draw rods
or easy assembly