Engine is running, but no
AC output is available,
Engine runs good at no-load but'bogs
down" when loads are connected
Engine WIUnot start; or starts
and runs rouah.
Engine shuts down during operalion
Engine lacks power.
Engine"hunts"or falters.
1. One of the circuit breakers is open.
2. Faultin generator.
3, Poor conneclion or defective
cord set.
4. Connected device is bad.
1, Reset circuit breaker.
2. Contact Sears Service Department.
3. Check and repair.
4. Connect another device that is
in good condition,
1. Short circuit in a connected load. 1.
2. Engine speed is too slow. 2.
3. Generator is overloaded. 3.
4. Shored generator circuit
1. RuntStop Switoh setto STOP.
2. Dirty air cleaner
3. Out of gasoline.
4. Stale gasoline.
5. Spark plug wire not connected
to spark plug.
6. Bad spark plug.
7. Water in gasoline.
8, Overchoking.
9. Excessively rich fuel mixture.
10. intake valve stuck open or closed.
11. Engine has lost compression.
12. Intake valve stuck open or closed.
t3. Engine compression lost
14. Failed batt_w,
1. Out0f gasoline.
2. Lowoil level.
Disconnect shorted electrical load.
Contact Sears Service Department
See `Don_ Overload the Generator
on Page 10,
Contact Sears Service Depar_nent,
1. Load istoo high.
2. Dirty air filter,
Carburetor is running too rich
or too leanl
!. Setswitch to RUN.
2. Clean or replace air cleaner.
3, Fill fuel tank,
4. Drain gas tank; fill with fresh fuel.
5. Connect wire _ospark plug.
6. Replace spark plug.
7. Drain gas tank; fill with fresh fuel.
8. Open choke fully and crank engine.
9. Contact Sears Service Department.
!0. Contact Sears Service DeparVnent_
t !. Contact Sears Service Department_
t2. Contact Sears Service Department _
t3. Contact Sears Service Department,
t4, Replace battery.
1. Fill fue! tank.
2. Fill crankcase to proper level.
1. See "Don't Overload _heGenerator*
on Page 10.
2. Replace air filter.
Contact Sears Service Department.