Beforeyoubegin, removethe blackprotective capon
your attachment.If cap doesnot slideoff easily,insert
the shankportion of anyaccessorythroughthe
housingopeningof theattachmentto hold shaftfrom
rotating. Thentwist off. Figure1.
Donot use the rotary !ool shaft
lock button when changing
accessorieson theattachment. Internaldamageto
Removethe housingcapfrom your existing rotary
tool asshowninJig.2.Thenpressthe shaft _ock
buttonon your rotary tool, unscrew thecolletnut and
removethe collet.
Setyour collet nut andcolletasideit will be
reinstalledlater instep 4.
Install the drive adapter,included withyour right
angle attachment,on themotor shaftasshown in
fig.3 andtighten.
adapter. Tightenthe driveadapter
finger tight andthentighten anadditional1/3turn
withthe wrench.(Wrenchincluded with your rotary
tool kit)
Screwtheattachmentontoyour rotarytool. Hand
tighten only.Reassemblethecolletandthecollet nut
from step2, onto the outputshaft ofthe attachment.
Therightangle attachmentcan beorientedon your
rotary tool in12 differentpositions.Theattachment
shouldbepositionedsothe on/offspeedcontrol
switch iseasyto access.
To reposition,unscrewthecollar from theattachment
untildisengaged.Slidethe attachmentoff. Then,
reposition,slidetheattachmentbackonthetool and
retightenthecollar. Figure5.
To changean accessory,insert theshankportion of
anyaccessory(3,2 mm recommended)through the
housingopeningof theattachmentto holdthe shaft
from rotating.With the shaftsecured,loosenthe
colletnut andinsert an accessoryas deeplyas
possibleto avoidwobbleduring use.You mayneedt(
pull backtheshankfrom thehousing openingto
provide clearancewhile insertingtheaccessory.
_ Attachmentcanbecomehotafte