. ARNING: Do not attempt
to remove snow or debris
that may become lodged in
auger with your hands. Use the
cleaning stick to remove snow or
A cleaning stick is attached to the top of
the auger housing. Use the cleaning
stickto removesnowfrom the auger
• Release auger drive lever.
• Remove (do not turn) safety key.
• Disconnectsparkplug wire.
• Do not place your hands inthe au-
ger or dischargechute. Use the
cleaning stickto remove snow.
1. For maximum snow throwerefficien-
cy in removingsnow, adjustground
speed. Go slower indeep, freezing
or wet snow. If the wheels slips, re-
duce forwardspeed.
2. Most efficientsnow throwingis ac-
complishedwhen the snow is re-
moved immediatelyafter iffalls.
3. For complete snow removal,slightly
ovedap each path previouslytaken.
4. The snow should be discharged
down windwhenever possible.
5.. For normalusage, set the skids so
that the scraper bar is 1/8"above
the skids. For extremely hard-
packed snow surfaces, adjustthe
skids upward so that the scraper
bar touchesthe ground.
6. On gravelor crushed rocksurfaces,
set the skids at 1-1/4" below the
scraper bar. See To Adjust Skid
Height paragraph inthe Service &
Adjustments sectionof this manu-
al. Rocks and gravel must notbe
picked up and thrownby the ma-
After the snow throwing job has
been completed, allow the engine to
idle for a few minutes, which will
melt snow and accumulated ice off
the engine.
Clean the snow thrower thoroughly
after each use.
Remove ice and snowaccumulation
and all debrisfrom the entire snow
thrower, and flushwith water (if pos-
sible) to remove all salt or other
chemicals. Wipe snow thrower dry.