_, WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before perform-
ing all of the recommended remedies below except remedies that require
operation of the unit.
Engine will not
start or will run
only a few
seconds after
Engine will
not idle
Engine wilI not
lacks power,
or dies under
a _oad.
Engine runs
1. ON/STOP switch in
STOP position.
2. Engine flooded.
3 Fuel tank empty.
4. Spark plug not firing.
5 Fuel not reaching
6 Carburetor requires
7 None of the above
1. Idle speed set too high
or too low.
2 Low Speed Mixture
requires adjustment.
3. Crankshaft seals worn.
4. Compression low.
5 None of the above
t. Air filter dirty.
2. Spark plug fouled.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Exhaust ports or muf-
fler outlets plugged.
5. Compression low
6. Chain brake engaged.
7. None of the above.
1. Choke partially on
2. Fuel mixture incorrect
3 Air filter dirty.
4 High Speed Mixture
requires adjustment.
5 Crankcase leak
1. Fuel mixture incorrect
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3 High Speed Mixture
set too lean.
4 Exhaust ports or muf-
fler outlets plugged
5 Carbon build-up on
spark arresting screen.
6 Starter housing dirty
7 None of the above
1. Move ON/STOP switch to ON.
2. See "Difficult Starting" in the
Operation Section.
3. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
4. Install new spark plug.
5. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
6. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
7. Contact Sears Service {see back cover).
1. See 'Carburetor Adjustment" in the
Service and Adjustments Section.
2 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
3. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
4. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
5. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
1. Clean or replace air flIter.
2. Clean or replace plug and regap.
3. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
4. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
5 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
6 Disengage chain brake.
7 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
1. Adjust choke.
2. Empty fuel tank and refill w_th
correct fuel mixture.
3. Clean or replace air filter.
4. Contact Sears Service (see back cover)
5. Contact Sears Service (see back cover)
1. See "Fueling Engine" in the Operation
2. Replace with correct plug.
3. Contact Sears Service (see back cover)
4. Contact Sears Service (see back cover)
5. Clean spark arresting screen
6. Clean starter housing area.
7. Contact Sears Service (see back cover)
Oil inadequate 1. Oil tank empty. 1. Fill oil tank.
for bar and 20i_ pump or oil filter 2. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
chain clogged.
lubricaflon. 3. Guide bar oi_hole 3. Remove bar and clean
Chain moves at 1. Idle speed requires t See "Carburetor Adjustment" in the
idle speed, adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Clutch requires repair. 2 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).