Never have more
than 3 links
removed from a loop of chain. This could
cause damage to the sprocket.
Chain Lubrication
Always make sure the automatic oiler system is working
properly. Keep the oil reservoir filled with a high quality
Chain, Bar and Sprocket Oil.
Adequate lubrication of the bar and chain during cutting oper-
ations is essential to minimize friction with the guide bar.
Never starve the bar and chain of lubricating oil. Running
the saw dry or with too little oil will decrease cutting effi-
ciency, shorten saw chain life, cause rapid dulling of
chain, and lead to excessive wear of bar from overheating.
Too little oil is evidenced by smoke or bar discoloration.
Chain Sharpening
Chain sharpening requires special tools to ensure that cut-
ters are sharpened at the correct angle and depth. For the
inexperienced chain saw user, we recommend that the
saw chain be professionally sharpened by the nearest
Authorized Service Center. If you feel comfortable sharp-
ening your own saw chain, special tools are available from
your Authorized Service Center.
A low-kickback saw chain should always be used in con-
junction with other kickback protection devices such as the
Chain Brake®/Hand Guard furnished with your unit.
Always use a replacement saw chain designed as “low-
kickback” or a saw chain which meets the low-kickback
performance requirements of ANSI (American National
Standards Institute).
A standard saw chain (a chain which does not have the
kickback reducing guard links) should only be used by an
experienced professional chain saw operator.
What is a Low-Kickback Saw Chain?
A low-kickback saw chain is a chain which has met the
kickback performance requirements of ANSI B175.1.
By keeping the Chain Brake® and saw chain in good
working condition and correctly serviced as recommended
in this manual, you will be able to maintain the safety sys-
tem of your chain saw over the life of the product.
Chain Tension
Check the chain tension frequently and adjust as often as
necessary to keep the chain snug on the bar, but loose
enough to be pulled around by hand.
Breaking in a New Saw Chain
A new chain and bar will need chain readjustment after as
few as 5 cuts. This is normal during the break-in period,
and the interval between future adjustments will begin to
lengthen quickly.
Over a period of time, however, the moving parts of the
saw chain will become worn, resulting in what is called
CHAIN STRETCH. This is normal. When it is no longer
possible to obtain correct chain tension adjustment, a link
will have to be removed to shorten the chain.
Take the
saw to a Sears or other qualified service dealer.
Unless you have
experience and spe-
cialized training for dealing with kickback
(see Safety Precautions), always use a low-
kickback saw chain, which significantly
reduces the danger of kickback. Low-kick-
back saw chain does not completely elimi-
nate kickback. A low-kickback or “safety
chain”, should never be regarded as total
protection against injury.
Never remove, mod-
ify or make inopera-
tive any safety device furnished with your
unit. The Chain Brake® / Hand Guard and
low-kickback saw chain are major safety
features provided for your protection.
Bar Length Drive Links
Sears Part #
16” 55 DL