• Raise the hopper tillitclicks intoposition.
• Unscrew the shoulder boltfrom the stop washer
on the inletguide. See Figure 6.
• Alignthe loose end ofthe flap control rod with
the stop washer on the inletguide.
• Slidethe shoulder boltthrough the opening in
the flap controlrod. Secure tightly.See Figure 6.
WARNING: This flap controlrod isa safety
device to holdthe flap in place inside the
hopper while shredding branches. Do not
operate the chipper-shredder without
properly attaching thisflap control rodto the
Attaching Chipper Chute
• Your unitis shipped with one end ofthe brace
already secured to the lower frame. Loosen the
boltssecuring the brace to the frame.
Cupped r
Chipper Washer--[ ( ]
Weld Stud
,----" Weld Stud
f'-'-* \
Figure 7
• Remove the three cupped washers and hex
nuts from the weld studs beside the opening on
the left side of the housing. See Figure7.
• Remove the two sets of hex bolt, lock nut,and
fiatwasher from the two holes on the upper end
of the brace. See Figure 7.
• Place the chipper chute over the weld studs so
the sloton the chute istowards the bottom. Align
the three holes at the bottomofthe chute with
the three weld studs.
• Secure with the three pairsof cupped washers
and hex nuts thatyou eadier removed. Do not
tighten the nutsat this time. Make sure toplace
the cupped side ofthe washer against the
chipper chute.
• Align the holestowards the frontopening ofthe
chute with the holes on the brace. See Figure 7.
• Insert one each ofthe hex bolts, lock nuts, and
flat washers (that you eadier removed) through
each holein the chute and the brace. See
Figure 7 for the correct order. Tighten bolts.- --"_
• Tighten boltssecuringthe brace tothe frame.
• Tighten the three nuts on the weld studs.
Attaching Catcher Bag
Your chipper-shredder is equipped with two catcher
bags of differentsizes (leaf bag and chip bag) to catch
the shredded material,Select the bag that ismost
appropriate for the task ahead.
• To attach the bag, place the opening of the bag
over the chute deflector and the chute flange.
Make sure itcompletely covers the chute
• Depress the plunger on the draw-string, and pull
on the draw-string until the bag istightaround
the chute opening. Release plunger tolock itinto
position.See Figure 8.
NOTE: For easier handling, it is recommended that
a. the chipbag (which issmaller of the two)
shouldbe used for catchingchipped
b. the leaf bag (larger) shouldbe used for
catching shredded leaves.
Figure 8