Sears Craftsman 6.5 H.P. Engine Model No. 123K02
For Yard Vacuum Model 247.770990
Part No. Part Description
1. 697322 Cylinder Assembly
2. 399269 Kit-Bushing/Seal
3. 299819† Seal-Oil (Magneto Side)
4. 493279 Sump-Engine
5. 691160 Head-Cylinder
7. 692249† Gasket-Cylinder Head
8. 695250 Breather Assembly
9. 699472 Gasket-Breather
10. 691125 Screw (Breather Assembly)
11. 691260 Tube-Breather
12. 692232† Gasket-Crankcase
13. 690912 Screw (Cylinder Head)
15. 691680 Plug-Oil Drain
16. 694478 Crankshaft
20. 399781† Seal-Oil (PTO Side)
22. 691092 Screw (Engine Sump)
23. 692315 Flywheel
24. 222698 Key-Flywheel
25. 697339 Piston Assembly (Standard)
697341 Piston Assembly (.020” Oversize)
26. 499425 Ring Set-Piston (Standard)
499427 Ring Set-Piston (.020” Oversize)
27. 691866 Lock-Piston Pin
28. 499423 Pin-Piston
29. 499424 Rod-Connecting
32. 691664 Screw (Connecting Rod)
32A. 695759 Screw (Connecting Rod)
33. 262651 Valve-Exhaust
34. 262652 Valve-Intake
35. 691270 Spring-Valve (Intake)
36. 691270 Spring-Valve (Exhaust)
37. 694086 Guard-Flywheel
40. 692194 Retainer-Valve
43. 691997 Slinger-Governor/Oil
45. 690548 Tappet-Valve
46. 691449 Camshaft
48. 498828 Short Block
50. 497465 Manifold-Intake
51. 272199† Gasket-Intake
54. 691650 Screw (Intake Manifold)
55. 691421 Housing-Rewind Starter
58. 697316 Rope-Starter (Cut to Required Length)
60. 281434 Grip-Starter Rope
65. 690837 Screw (Rewind Starter)
78. 691108 Screw (Flywheel Guard)
81. 691740 Lock-Muffler Screw
95. 691636 Screw (Throttle Valve)
97. 493267 Shaft-Throttle
104. 691242†† Pin-Float Hinge
108. 691182 Valve-Choke
109. 498593 Shaft-Choke
117. 498978 Jet-Main (Standard)
121. 498260 Kit-Carburetor Overhaul
125. 499059 Carburetor
127. 694468†† Plug-Welch
130. 691203 Valve-Throttle
133. 398187 Float-Carburetor
134. 398188†† Valve-Needle/Seat
137. 693981††* Gasket-Float Bowl
146. 690979 Key-Timing
159. 691753 Bracket-Air Cleaner Primer
163. 272653†*†† Gasket-Air Cleaner
187. 691050 Line-Fuel (Cut to Required Length)
188. 693399 Screw (Control Bracket)
190. 690940 Screw (Fuel Tank)
202. 691829 Link-Mechanical Governor
209. 691291 Spring-Governor
222. 692150 Bracket-Control
227. 690783 Control Lever-Governor
276. 271716††* Sealing Washer
287. 690940 Screw (Dipstick Tube)
300. 692038 Muffler
304. 493294 Housing-Blower
305. 691108 Screw (Blower Housing)
306. 690450 Shield-Cylinder
307. 690345 Screw (Cylinder Shield)
324. 695161 Cup/Screen Assembly
332. 690662 Nut (Flywheel)
333. 802574 Armature-Magneto
334. 691061 Screw (Armature Magneto)
337. 802592 Plug-Spark
347. 691396 Switch-Rocker
356. 496381 Wire-Stop
358. 497316 Engine Gasket Set
363. 19069 Flywheel Puller
365. 692524 Screw (Carburetor)
383. 89838 Wrench-Spark Plug
404. 690272 Washer (Governor Crank)
425. 690670 Screw (Air Cleaner Cover)
443. 692523 Screw (Air Cleaner Primer Base)
445. 491588 Filter-Air Cleaner Cartridge
456. 692299 Plate-Pawl Friction
459. 281505 Pawl-Ratchet
497. 690664 Screw (Stopswitch)
505. 691251 Nut (Governor Control Lever)
523. 495264 Dipstick
524. 692296† Seal-Dipstick Tube
525. 495265 Tube-Dipstick
529. 691923 Grommet
562. 92613 Bolt (Governor Control Lever)
564. 698589 Screw (Control Cover)
584. 697734 Cover-Breather Passage
585. 691879† Gasket-Breather Passage
592. 690800 Nut (Rewind Starter)
597. 691696 Screw (Pawl Friction Plate)
601. 95162 Clamp-Hose
604. 698588 Cover-Control
608. 497680 Starter-Rewind
613. 691340 Screw (Muffler)
615. 690340 Retainer-Governor Shaft
616. 698801 Crank-Governor
617. 270344†*†† Seal-O Ring (Intake Manifold)
621. 692310 Switch-Stop
Part No. Part Description