
User’s Guide for Modem Charging Cradle PS6PMCW 7
Create a new connection using these settings:
Name: Custom
Connect to: Modem
Via: Cradle/Cable
Dialing: TouchTone
Select Details
Speed: 57,600 bps
Flow Ctl: Off
Init String: +CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”isp.cingular”;
Select OK to save the details, then OK to save a new
Open Preferences from the Palm OS Main Menu
Select Communication Network then insert these settings:
Service: Cradle
Password: CINGULAR1
Connection: Custom
Phone: *99***1#
Select Details:
Connection Type: PPP
Idle Timeout: Never
Query DNS: Checked
IP Address: Checked Automatic
Select Script:
Verify the only Script is : End
Select OK
Select OK
Select Done.
Making the Connection
Perform the following steps:
1. Turn on the Palm Tungsten E2.
2. Place the Palm Tungsten E2 into the Modem Charging Cradle
3. The cradle LED should alternately flash Green and Orange for
approximately15-20 seconds and then go solid Green. The
system is now ready to make a connection.
a. Open Prefs from the Palm OS Main Menu.
b. Select Communication Network
c. Select Connect
4. Once the connection is established you can access the internet.