1. Close main water supply valve to separate the faucet.
2. Wind the Teflon tape on the adaptor and fit it to the pipe.
This Neo-Sense filter has the functions to remove particulates, dissolved organic and inorganic
impurities. It also has the function to remove chlorine, volatile organic compounds(VOC’s).
Step 3 : Post-carbon block filter
This post-carbon block filter has the functions to remove smell induction material and fine
particles or dust and to improve taste of water.
Step 4 : Membrane filter (UF)
UF membrane filter has the functions to remove water conataminants such as waterborne
microorganisms and harmful macromolecular organic chemicals etc.
Step 5 : Ceramic filter
This ceramic filter has the function to control microorganism propagation in water.
- The daily life water should be used only for cleaning the house, cloths, or
purposes other than drinking.
- Never use the daily life water for the drinking or as the food cooking.
Uses of the daily life water
Do not turn the water pipe.
Step 1, 2 : Neo-sense filter