
The appliance is fitted with a blanking panel or an electronic
programmer on the facia panel for the control of domestic hot water
and central heating.
HOT WATER ONLY. The appliance will operate at any time
there is a demand for hot water. Heating temperature control at OFF
(fully anti-clockwise).
OFF. Both hot water and central heating will remain off when
the heating and hot water temperature controls are at OFF (fully anti-
HEATING AND HOT WATER. Hot water will be supplied when a
demand is made. Heating and hot water temperature control at OFF
(fully anti-clockwise).
Central heating will operate continuously in response to a
demand from a room thermostat or thermostatic radiator valves if fit-
HEATING ONLY. Hot water temperature control at OFF (fully
anti-clockwise). The appliance will operate in response to a demand
from a room thermostat or thermostatic radiator valve, if fitted.
Your Installer may have mounted the optional electronic pro-
grammer on the appliance facia panel. Operating instructions are sup-
plied with the programmer.
The Heating Temperature Control gives control over the temper-
ature of water supplied to the radiators when the boiler is serving the
central heating system. This control does not influence the tempera-
ture of the Hot Water which is set by the Hot Water Temperature
Control. The controls have a range as indicated in Fig. 2.
The operating temperatures may be set anywhere within the
range. With a high central heating temperature setting the radiators
will get hotter and high room temperatures will be achievable.
Similarly the temperature of the hot water can be controlled. With
lower settings the radiators and hot water will be cooler but in winter
conditions the central heating and hot water may not reach their
design temperatures.
The temperature controls will shut down the relevant operating
mode when turned fully anti-clockwise.
The Heating Temperature Control is also used to reset any safety
lock-outs by turning it OFF and ON.
WARNING: Do not attempt to adjust any sealed components on
the appliance.
Any interference with sealed components may cause a danger-
ous condition.