
Add New
New Option ẅ ẉ Ẋ ẋ
Highlight and select NEW to add a new waypoint to the list. Highlight and
select MARK CURRENT to save the coordinates for your current location as a
waypoint. The default name (a 3-digit number) and symbol (a flag) will be
assigned. You can either accept the default name and symbol or rename
and change the symbol of the waypoint, (see “Editing Text”, page 41).
(You can use Waypoints/Select/Edit to change them later.) Highlight and
select ENTER MANUAL to enter the location coordinates for a waypoint
manually (see “Editing Text,” page 41). Entering an elevation is optional.
The default name (a 3-digit number) and symbol (a flag) will be assigned.
(You can use Waypoints/Select/Edit to change them later.)
Waypoint shortcut. To mark a new waypoint using current location,
press and hold the ENTER button for 2 seconds. A confirmation window
will pop up.
Sort Option ẅ Ẍ
Highlight and select SORT to sort the list of waypoints according to name,
symbol, nearest waypoint or most recently saved waypoint. Highlight and
select NAME to sort waypoints in alphabetical order by name. Highlight and
select SYMBOL to have waypoints with symbols displayed first (groups of
waypoints with the same symbol are sorted alphabetically). Highlight and
select NEAREST to have waypoints sorted by distance from your current
location, with the nearest listed first. Highlight and select MOST RECENT to
sort waypoints according to when they were saved, with the most recent
listed first (see “Sort,” page 42).
Search Option ẅ ẗẻ
Highlight and select SEARCH to search the list of waypoints for a name that
you entered. Press the ENTER button to begin entering the name you want
to search (see “Editing Text,” page 41). The name of the waypoint
containing the letters you entered is highlighted on the list (see “Search,”
page 43).
Sort List of
ẗẻ Search Existing
Waypoint List
Waypoints: Summary
Waypoints: Summary
Nav Data
When you select WAYPOINTS from the Nav Data page (see ), your
GPS 500 will display a list of the waypoints currently stored. You can create,
save and recall up to 500 waypoints. If you want to change the location for a
waypoint, its location coordinates can be edited. You can ask the unit to
show you the “GoTo” direction of travel to reach any waypoint you select.
NOTE: You can store up to 50 waypoints into a route.
NOTE: You can record your current location as a waypoint at any time
simply by pressing the ENTER button for 2 seconds, or by following the
procedure described on page 20, under “New Option.”
Selecting Options Ẅ ẅ
From the Nav Data page, highlight using the JOYSTICK and select
WAYPOINTS by pressing the ENTER button. Push the JOYSTICK up or down to
scroll through the menu sections, then press the ENTER button to go to the
highlighted option. Use the JOYSTICK again to highlight your choice, then
press the ENTER button to select it. Press the PAGE button to return to the
main page.
Select Option ẅ Ẇ ẇ Ẉ
Highlight and select SELECT to access any waypoint on the list. Highlight and
select any waypoint listed on the screen to bring up that waypoint’s
information screen. You may then highlight and select GOTO to display the
Map page showing you the direction of travel to the selected waypoint.
Highlight and select MAP to display the Map page with the selected
waypoint centered. Highlight and select EDIT to edit the name, symbol,
location coordinates or elevation of the selected waypoint. Or highlight and
select DELETE to delete the selected waypoint.
Edit Info