ES3: Clutch
Cobra clutch puller assembly:
Figure 13
Clutch puller diagram
Figure 14
Tools recommended for clutch service:
• 22mm socket
• Universal clutch puller- a universal puller that pulls the clutch, main drive gear
and rotor. (Part # MCMUTL70).
• 5mm T-handle
• Clutch nut removal tool (Call local dealer for details)
• Cobra 3 Shoe Clutch Milk (Part # MCMUGF01)
1. Drain the engine transmission oil.
2. Remove the pipe and remove the 6 bolts that hold the kick-starter cover on.
3. Remove the clutch nut (right handed nut) on the end of the crankshaft with a
22mm socket.
4. Attach the COBRA CLUTCH PULLER. There are three 6mm clutch puller
holes located on the ends of the center hub. (figures 13 & 14) You must use a
draw type puller to remove the clutch.
Do not use a jaw type puller or use the 6mm tapped holes as jackscrews or you
are likely damage the clutch drum or clutch.
5. If necessary apply heat to the center clutch hub.
Do not heat the crankshaft threads or the aluminum shoes.
6. Keep tension on the puller as you are heating it.
The clutch will often pop off under tension from the puller and it will be very hot.