
Chapter 5
Lights Out Management Port of the
NetScaler Appliance
Accessing the LOM Port by
using a Web Browser
Configuring the LOM Port
Power Cycling the Appliance
Performing a Core Dump
Accessing the Appliance by
using the Access Console
Obtaining Properties of the
Obtaining Health Monitoring
Obtaining the MAC Address
and the Serial Number of the
Power Control Operations
using the LOM Port
The MPX 8200/8400/8600/8800, MPX
11500/13500/14500/16500/18500/20500, MPX
17550/19550/20550/21550, and MPX
22040/22060/22080/22100/22120 appliances have an
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), also known
as the Lights out Management (LOM), port on the front panel
of the appliance. By using the LOM, you can remotely monitor
and manage the appliance, independently of the NetScaler
software. You can remotely change the IP address, perform
different power operations, and obtain information of the
appliance, such as health monitoring information, MAC
address, serial number, and properties of the host, by
connecting to the appliance through the LOM port.
By connecting the LOM port over a dedicated channel that is
separate from the data channel, you can make sure that
connectivity to the appliance is maintained even if the data
network is down.