
Chapter 15. Working with Usage
Parameter Name Description
max.account.primary.storage (GB) Maximum primary storage space that can be
used for an account.
Default is 20*10.
max.account.secondary.storage (GB) Maximum secondary storage space that can be
used for an account.
Default is 20*20.
max.project.cpus Maximum number of CPU cores that can be
used for an account.
Default is 40.
max.project.ram (MB) Maximum RAM that can be used for an account.
Default is 40960.
max.project.primary.storage (GB) Maximum primary storage space that can be
used for an account.
Default is 20*10.
max.project.secondary.storage (GB) Maximum secondary storage space that can be
used for an account.
Default is 20*20.
max.project.network.rate (Mbps) Maximum network rate that can be used for an
Default is 200.
15.2.1. Globally Configured Limits
In a zone, the guest virtual network has a 24 bit CIDR by default. This limits the guest virtual network
to 254 running instances. It can be adjusted as needed, but this must be done before any instances
are created in the zone. For example, would provide for ~1000 addresses.
The following table lists limits set in the Global Configuration:
Parameter Name Definition
max.account.public.ips Number of public IP addresses that can be
owned by an account
max.account.snapshots Number of snapshots that can exist for an
max.account.templates Number of templates that can exist for an
max.account.user.vms Number of virtual machine instances that can
exist for an account
max.account.volumes Number of disk volumes that can exist for an
max.template.iso.size Maximum size for a downloaded template or ISO
in GB