
[Cities and the standard time radio
wave assignment]
• The received standard time radio waves shown
in “Table of UTC Time Differences” are
assigned one of the following four radio wave
transmitters, in accordance with the home city
in digital display 2.
[Standard time radio wave
JPN : JJY (Japan)
EUR : DCF77 (Germany)
CHN : BPC (China)
• Radio wave transmitters are assigned even for countries and regions outside the
reception area.
• For regions that are assigned Japan’s standard time radio wave (JJY), either the
Fukushima transmitter or Kyushu transmitter is selected automatically for reception,
whichever is easier to receive.
Radio signal transmitter
Digital display 2
9. World City Display
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and 43 cities (or regions) are registered in this watch
in advance, and it is also possible to register one additional city. The time of each city
can be called up and displayed.
• Press the upper right button (B) while the crown is in position 1 during TME mode or
CAL mode to display in sequence from the top left to bottom right the city names
shown in “Table of UTC Time Differences” (p. 36), and press the lower right button
(A) to display the city names in sequence from the bottom right to top left.
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
This is the time of an atomic clock that is used as the global standard (= international atomic time).
It uses leap seconds to correct deviations in time systems that are based on the rotation of the Earth
(universal time).