Toggle between Weight Units
With this application program you can toggle the display
of a weight value back and forth between two weight units.
Configure the “Toggle weight units” application in the
operating menu:
See “Configuring the Scale” menu code 2.1. 2 Toggle
weight units
Menu Unit Conversion factor Abbr. on
code printout
1. 7. 2 3. 1. 2 o Grams 1.00000000000 g
1. 7. 3 3. 1. 3 Kilograms 0.00100000000 kg
1. 7. 4 o 3. 1. 4 Carats 5.00000000000 ct
1. 7. 5 3. 1. 5 Pounds 0.00220462260 lb
1. 7. 6 3. 1. 6 Ounces 0.03527396200 oz
1. 7. 7 3. 1. 7 Troy ounces 0.03215074700 ozt
1. 7. 8 3. 1. 8 Hong Kong taels 0.02671725000 tlh
1. 7. 9 3. 1. 9 Singapore taels 0.02645544638 tls
1. 7. 10 3. 1. 10 Taiwanese taels 0.02666666000 tlt
1. 7. 11 3. 1. 11 Grains 15.43235835000 GN
1. 7. 12 3. 1. 12 Pennyweights 0.64301493100 dwt
1. 7. 13 3. 1. 13 Milligrams 1000.00000000000 mg
1. 7. 14 3. 1. 14 Parts per pound 1.12876677120 /lb
1. 7. 15 3. 1. 15 Chinese taels 0.02645547175 tlc
1. 7. 16 3. 1. 16 Mommes 0.26670000000 mom
1. 7. 17 3. 1. 17 Austrian carats 5.00000000000 K
1. 7. 18 3. 1. 18 Tola 0.08573333810 tol
1. 7. 19 3. 1. 19 Baht 0.06578947437 bat
1. 7. 20 3. 1. 20 Mesghal 0.21700000000 MS
1. 7. 22 3. 1. 22 lb/oz 0.03527396200 o
o = Factory setting
l To toggle the display between the 1st and 2nd weight
units: Press the [FUNCTION] key
Net-Total Formulation/
Second Tare Memory
With this application program you can weigh in components
for formulation of a mixture.
Configure the Net-total formulation/Second tare memory
application in the operating menu: See “Configuring
the Scale”
Menu code 2.1. 3
Step Key (or instruction) Display
1. Turn on the scale [ON/OFF]
2. Place an empty container + 65.000 ct
on the scale
3. Tare the scale t
4. Add the first component + 120,500 ct
5. Store the first component [FUNCTION] 0.000 ct
If the print format is set
to include data ID codes,
the following is printed N1 + 120.500 ct
6. Add the next component + 70,500 ct
7. Store the 2nd component [FUNCTION] 0.000 ct
8. Add further components, As described
if desired for Steps 5 and 6
9. Display total weight [CAL/CF] > 2 sec. +191,000 ct
and fill to desired
final weight